About Us

Purposes and objectives:

  • To promote the study of African Arachnida (non-Acari)
  • To achieve closer cooperation and understanding between local and overseas professional arachnologists
  • To organize a colloquium in Africa every second or third year
  • To circulate a newsletter annually


Open to any person actively involved in research on African arachnids. Do you want to join? Contact Robin Lyle, the AFRAS Secretary at lyler[at]arc.agric.za.


No membership fees are presently charged.

Committee members:

Chairman, secretary, treasurer and editor of the newsletter are elected during the AFRAS general meeting, which is held during the week of each triannual colloquium.
The chairman and convenor of the next colloquium are also appointed during this meeting. The current committee consists of:

- Prof Stefan Foord (Chairman)

- Ms Robin Lyle (Secretary)

- Ms Petro Marais (Treasurer)

- Prof Ansie Dippenaar-Schoeman and Dr Charles Haddad (Newsletter editors)

- Dr Charles Haddad (Webmaster)